Proud of Our Indigenous Heritage

While living in Guyana for the next two years, I will be abiding in the hinterland or interior land of Guyana. In these hinterland areas live the Indigenous people or Amerindian people of Guyana. They consist of different tribes spread all over the country. Because these villages are located farther from the towns and cities they rely on their environment and each other to live happy and full lives.



The month of September is Indigenous Month and during this time the different villages welcome visitors to come and experience a taste of their heritage for a day or two while they themselves get to celebrate their Indigenous culture. This past week was my villages Heritage Day filled with performances from children in the village (my students), local food such as bush cow, bush hog, and cassava bread, as well as local homemade (adult) drinks such as fly and pawari.


 I got to try the bush cow, bush hog, and the local drinks. The kids can have the drink if it has been just made and not fermented yet, but once it has, the adults get to enjoy. I was able to taste pawari, potato fly, and corn fly. 

* warning to new comers, the fly can be different levels for alcohol strongness depending on who made it *

 As you can see, on my head is a headdress that I made with the help of my host mom using local materials. The fellow teachers at my school asked where I bought it and were impressed when I said I had made it.

Although I did not get to perform on stage, the students gave me quick dancing lesson and I am proud to report that several women in the village said I danced like I was born in the village.
