Leadership Camp

Hi Guys. Just wanted to update you on life. It is now summer in Guyana which means CAMPS! (well at least for me). Last week, I held my first camp in my community. With a total of 40 children, we held a 3 day leadership camp for the older youth of the village. In the camp the children learned about teamwork and communication skills, leadership styles, and confidence building.

Each of the days had a theme to them. The first day’s theme was “ Teamwork and Communication”. On this day, the children worked in smaller groups to work on accomplishing goals as a team. The children observed how in order to finish faster or produce a better outcome, talking to one another and working together was essential.

The second days theme was “What is a leader?”. On this day, the children learned how, even if they start from a different place in life or have different opportunities, this does not mean that they can’t be leaders. It just means they may have to try a little harder (but they will come out even stronger!). The children also got to listen to a panel of local leaders (Village Captain, Peace Corps Program Manager, and Ministry of Presidency Staff) who talked about the importance of leaders in communities and how, even at a young age, the children can still be leaders.

The final days theme was “I am a Leader”. On this day, the children go to learn about the leadership styles and what style they have when in a group (are they the dominant speaker or the quiet one in the back who assists). At the end of the day, the children all signed a banner with the statement “I AM A LEADER” showing that they know that they are leaders in their community, even though they may be young.


Special thanks to all the people that made this camp possible. To the children who came out to participate, to the 4 teachers and fellow PCV who came to assist, to the Ministry of Presidency who donated supplies and came to the panel, to the Village council for their support, and for the amazing Aunties who assisted in making snacks for the kiddos. The camp would not have been a success with out you help.